St Michael, Cornhill
Saturday, 13 December 2014 in 3h 32 (32–1–6)
5136 Spliced Surprise Maximus (8m)
"The Orion Family". 672 Alnilam, Betelgeuse, Saiph Surprise, 624 Alnitak, Bellatrix, Mintaka, Orion and Rigel Surprise, 81 com, atw.
Composed by Alan G Reading
1 Antony R Kench
2 David C Brown
3 Charles W G Herriott
4 Stephen A Coaker
5 Jonathan H Potter
6 Katherine L Town
7 John N Hughes-D'Aeth
8 Graham M Bradshaw
9 Alan G Reading (C)
10 Luke T W Smith
11 Oliver D Cross
12 Michael P A Wilby
Welcoming Oliver Cross to the Society.
The first blows of Saiph Surprise Maximus outside of St Philip's Birmingham and the first blows not to include Paul Bibilo
Church Bellhangers of Distinction